„The slightly vulgar italian art director look“

Und schon wieder ist es soweit – unsere Sonntags-Besucher-Looks sind da! Am Ostersonntag waren wir mal wieder im MKG unterwegs, um zu schauen was ihr so Schönes/Interessantes/Cooles tragt, wenn ihr ins Museum kommt.


David und Hanna fotografieren wir in der Sammlung Moderne vor den Ganzkörper-Masken von Lavinia Schulz und Walter Holdt; Foto: Lisa Notzke

Hanna und David kommen aus Schweden – deshalb mussten wir unser Interview dieses Mal auf Englisch führen… Das hat sich allerdings gelohnt, da die beiden in Sachen Mode wirklich viel Humor beweisen ;)

How would you describe your outfit today?
Hanna: As „the slightly vulgar italian art director“ look.
Is there something about fashion in Hamburg that you would suggest to somebody else?
Hanna: I’m sure the Zoo could be a really inspiring place for fashion!
Is there a reason why you chose this particular outfit today?
David: Yes – I chose it because it’s one of the first days of spring.
Did you ever buy something that you never actually wore?
Hanna: Yes – ridiculously uncomfortable stylish shoes.
What does the „Myth Chanel“ mean to you?
David: It’s… mystic.
Is there a certain Designer or fashion brand you admire?
Hanna: Comme des Garçons.
Name three pieces of clothing which are charactaristic of your style.
David: Desert Boots, tweed and scarfs.
What was your biggest fashion adventure?
David: …yet to come.
What are your favourite colors?
Hanna: Black and gold.
Was do you wear on the worst picture of you?
David: Hair the color of Eminem’s.